Thursday, August 30, 2012

Family First, and Learning to Say NO!

Well my first week of classes is over, and my first two stories for the paper (for this year) have been submitted. I feel very accomplished, but so wore out. All of my scheduling issues have finally been worked out, and I no longer am being forced against my will to learn another language! YAY!

I have learned a lot this week:

1. I am pretty much super mom. I am a good wife and mommy, I regularly keep up with three hobbies (scrapbooking, sewing, photography), I cook most every night, I do all the cleaning around the house (to a buyers liking lately... bleck) and I am a FULL time student. Um yeah I'm supermom... along with almost every other mom out there.

2. Family First! I have really been learning lately that no matter what Ben and Liam HAVE to come before anything else. I cannot craft if I have not cooked, cleaned, done homework, etc. Therefore I have been crafting once they are in bed and it is working for me. This one I have been working on for awhile and I think I've just about mastered it.

3. I am TO nice. I need to learn how to say NO sometimes. I really struggle with this one. I have a very giving heart (to giving most of the time) and I always want to help and bless people, but lately I have let even my own HEALTH be affected by helping so many people with NO help in return. I have had NO free days through out the week, and most weekends. I have been helping others and not focusing on my family first. I have put off a doctors appointment for weeks now, because I had obligations everyday but Fridays, and two of those I had to cancel my appointments to take Liam to the doctor. I am ok, but could have probably prevented a temporary health issue if I would've said NO and went to the doctors sooner. I have learned my lesson though. Mommies it's ok to help people out, but only if your family and yourself are taken care of first.

Go with this quote from Miley Cyrus's Twitter page: "love is a battle, Love is a war; Love is growing up!"-love this!

Mommy on,
Liam's Mommy

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