Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Keep Calm and Get Your Gov On.

Well you know I have been busy if I miss blogging on my favorite blogging day! I spent most of yesterday trying to sort out a scheduling issue with APSU, and then I was exhausted and just needed to go to bed early since I started school the next day.
My classes started today and I feel pretty good about them, but the work load is a little overwhelming. My first days assignments consist of 30 tutorials, two 70 question pretests, 300 pages of reading, a hand out, and setting up, paying $40.00 for a fingerprint test. Bleck. I also had to take Little Liam to the doctors AGAIN today because he had a terrible "diaper rash", turns out it is yeast from the cold he had so we got a prescription and had to go pick it up. Ben also had to get fabric for a bench he is making and I had to get a few books and supplies for class. It has been a super busy day.
Tomorrow I have to set up an interview, pass out planners, go to a doctors appointment for myself, finish up homework, make a tie, etc., etc, etc. I will :

Most of all I will believe that God will get me through all of this. Things will slow down in a  few days once I get used to my new schedule and actually get to utilize my Wednesday study day! On a happier note, I am in the process of getting my Spanish dropped and it not counting against me. Please Jesus let this work!
Sorry so very boring today. My eyes have had a small break from never ending lines, and it must get back to reading them!

Mommy on,
Liam's Mommy

1 comment:

  1. You're definitely a super mommy!! You should have a photo shoot with your superhero son!! I'm sorry it's been horribly busy, but like you said, the dust will settle and it won't be as overwhelming.

    Also, when I read about Ben buying fabric, it made me giggle a little inside. The image of a made going up to the fabric counter and asking for so and so yards of this/that just seems real odd. It seems so opposite of what to expect. He does made a beautiful foot stool though!!
