Friday, June 22, 2012

Liam's Officially One and Mommy's Wisdom Teeth Are Out

Well I missed a few days, but hey I'm not perfect and will never claim to be. Since I last posted Liam officially turned one and had a party at a park at Ft. Campbell with our Clarksville friends. It was a cute party and everyone who was invited got to show up. The weather was pretty much perfect and I think all the kids had a blast. Liam got a lot of great stuff. Thank you so much to everyone who came! One of the best parts was that we forgot a spatula so Ben made a make shift one out of three forks. HAHA. It was quite the sight if you ask me.
 I cried a few times, but Liam had a great day. My favorite part was when Ben and me woke up at 4:27 ( the time Liam was born) and video recorded ourselves signing happy birthday to him. It was really special and we want to make it a tradition. Another special part of the day was that we decided to get Liam a book and write a birthday inscription in it every year instead of doing a card. Also, I am going to make Liam a paper candle every year for his cake! Lots of traditions and I really hope we keep them up.
Thursday I got my wisdom teeth out. It hasn't been terrible. The worst part is that the narcotics make me really dizzy so I don't feel in control of my body and I really miss my little guy. He literally cried for me to hold him yesterday, but as soon as I did he hit me in the face with his elbow on accident.... can you say OWWWWWWWYYYY. Today has been a little better though. Still no pain or swelling, just sore and missing playing with my little man. I am so thankful for a loving husband who can step in when I'm under the weather.

Today was Liam's twelve month check up and I wasn't feeling up to going, so note of questions in hand, Ben had to take him on his own. I was really upset about not going with them, but everything went good, and Ben actually remembered to ask the doctor all the questions I sent with him. Oh and speaking of traditions, since Liam's second doctors appointment we give him a book when we are there or when we get home for being such a good boy. This time it was Dr. Seuss' " The Lorax." I was really excited about this one. After Liam's appointment him and Ben went to lunch and then we watched movies together all day. Now I have to be better tomorrow so I can study for my Geology test on Monday. Pray for me, because studying while dizzy is not going to be easy.
Mommy on,
Liam's Mommy

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