Hello World I am currently trying to change my blog format so bear with me. In the meantime boy am I glad to be home from vacation. I took a few days off from blogging, because my vacation, that I so desperately needed, did not go as planned and I was sick for two days of it, and I just did not want to bog anyone down with melodrama. There were good parts of the vacation that I will quickly highlight though.
1. Girl time and pedi/mani's with Kris and Hannah.
2. Quelf .... the game that everyone hate. I love to play board games, but they are so expensive now days. It is a huge bummer when you pay $26 for a game and come to find out that it is absolutely stupid. What are some of your favorite family games?
3. More beach time with our little man. He loves the ocean so much. He will crawl our into it until it starts splashing over his head, and he loves to pick up sand and shells. He is definitely a water baby.
4. Family pictures. I requested that we all take pictures on the beach in matching clothes. The sun was so bright that you couldn't keep your eyes open, and my little brother is not here so the picture isn't quite complete... but we tried.
Ok now you guys have got to see some pictures of what went on while I was away, so lets get to business. No one wants to be sick ever, but especially when you are on vacation. My dad and I both woke up feeling bad (him a lot more sick then me) on Friday and I was so bummed, because we were suppose to go to the island that day, and the last time I was in Florida I had to miss out on going to the island too. Low and behold I am never going to even try to go to that island again. lol. Anyway, Ben and Liam ended up going ahead and going to the island, and the boat made Ben sick. By the end of the day Liam had two sick parents. This was a first for us and it was so hard to manage. Has this ever happened to you before? What did you do? I have never understood why some people use tv as a babysitter, but in a situation like ours I could kinda see why. (We did not have a tv in our room of the condo though). We did our best to keep him busy with toys and educational games on our phones until Liam's bedtime.
Even on the way home from Florida I caught us using a lot of music/movies/educational-cognitive games on our phones to entertain Liam. How do you guys feel about this? Do you think that the way technology is today that it is really harming anything? I mean no, I don't want Liam to set in front of a tv all day long, or be horded up in his room on a computer or phone 24/7, but I think that in this day in age everything is digital and so long as it's monitored and he is doing something educational its ok. What do you other mommies think? No judgement will be made on your opinions.
Other ways I like to entertain Liam are the obvious playing with his toys, and of course reading books, and doing crafts, but in the sick circumstance that just wasn't possible.
>>>>>> This will be me until Wednesday night, but the good news is it is Wednesday marks the end of my 2012 summer classes. YAY.
Mommy On,
Liam's Mommy
P.s On our way home from Florida we made a pit stop to Downtown Disney and we had a blast. We got a really cool gift for Liam, but I will have to tell you about it later, because we got the same thing for his bff and we haven't given it to him yet.
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