Hey guys, I'm back. I had some family issues to attend to for the past few days, and just did not really feel like blogging and being a Debby downer in any way so I just took a mini break. I WILL still stick to this resolution though. Today has been an awesome day. Liam was in his first ever pageant today and he won the whole thing! He won mini King supreme over all the boys ages 0-7. We are sooooo proud of him. I got so excited about him winning that I forgot to even mention his other awards on my Facebook today lol. He also won best smile, and the overall boys most photogenic award. I am just so proud of him for winning the two very top titles at his first pageant. His walk was just so cute,and he looked like such a hansom little cowboy. The pageant was the Massac County Youth Fair pageant, and all the proceeds go to funding the youth fair. It was such a fun time seeing all the little girls in their country wear , and red, white, and blue; and all the little boys in their wranglers,and cowboy hats and huge belt buckles. WE had a blast and the director did such a great job. It was very hot, but that's expected when you shove a ton of people in a small building. It was much cooler than having it outside would have been though.
I have to admit that during the first 0-12 crowning I was torn so bad, because yes Liam is my son, but my nephew who I have not seen in months, was the ONLY other boy in the 0-12 month category. I hooped and hollered for him though when he was announced best eyes, best hair, directors choice, and 0-12 division King. He was too cute. The aunt in me was gleaming, but the mom in me was a little upset, because I thought Liam did so good though. Then a few minutes later the MC was like, hang in there guys we will announce the overall winners in just a few minutes, and I was like, oh yeah Liam could still win the whole thing, and he did. I think that we want to try to do a few more pageants, but we will just have to see. We are mainly only interested in one's that benefit a cause. Like this one benefits the youth fair, and there is one coming up that we may enter that benefits the wounded warrior project. Thank you so much to Mrs. Korte for putting on such a great pageant, and to Liam's grandparents who got to come, and to Sherie for saving my butt when I realized I forgot my camera card (yikes and lol). Can't wait to get our picture Cd. Liam came home with two trophys, a huge crown, two metals, and a gigantic prize package. Sorry I just talked about the pageant today, but it has consumed most of our weekend and I am one proud momma who felt the need to brag a little on her son. (What mom doesn't sometimes? lol ).
Mommy On,
Liam (The Mini Supreme King's) Mom
p.s I forgot the memory card to my camera, so this is off a cell phone. It will have to do until I get our cd though!
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