He got a rainbow sherbet cone and LOVED it. This morning we had to get up early for Liam's post Iron appointment (He had low iron the last time we went to get shots), only to wait for two hours before we were seen. I love Liam's doctor, but the forever long waits are not appreciated and really make me want to switch doctors. Liam's iron was up, but still not quite where they want it to be so we are going to keep taking iron drops for another month.
After Liam's appointment we rushed home, because his bff Jack was suppose to be at the house at noon. Liam and Jack always seem to have so much fun together. Aside from switching paci's and not wanting to share for the first few minutes, they had a blast. We did a little craft (that I will post tomorrow), and we rode in the wagon outside in the shade for a few minutes, which is all the heat would allow, and before we knew it Jack's mommy was here to pick him up. We cannot wait to see him again tomorrow though.
BIG NEWS! While Jack was here Liam took FOUR steps. Ben and me were so excited. A few hours later he took a couple more steps again in his bedroom. There is hope lol. Liam is so advanced in so many things, but he just loves being held and has not wanted to walk lol. I think we are on the fast track to walking now though. (Let's hope, his 23 ibs self is HEAVY).
The only other new news is that yesterday Liam's daycare insurance called and told me that he is now number 36 instead of 26 on the post daycare waiting list, so low and behold we will not get in there before my classes start at the end of August. Now I am talking the task of viewing facilities and finding a good part week daycare in Clarksville that accepts our daycare insurance. Not an easy task so far, but I just need to trust God that he will get into the right place.
We also started an alphabet art book yesterday. We did an alligator hand print for the A and a ranch scene with bulls for B. Once there are a few more pages done I will post pictures and show you guys how its constructed. For now I am going to get off here though and clean and work on Liam's pageant outfit and read the Word!
Mommy On,
Liam's Mommy
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