Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day

Boy this has already been such a busy week. Yesterday Liam's best friend Jack and his mom Kimberly invited Liam and Me to tag along with them at the Nashville Zoo. We all had a blast. The boys loved the animals, and Liam especially loved the Dino Trek! The day was so much fun, and ended in both the boys sleeping... until we got to the car of course. Then we realized Liam was missing a pacey, and lost his snack bowl in the van.
Once we got home Uncle Logie was anxiously awaiting Liam. They had lots of fun together for a few minutes, and then Liam just wanted to sleep. He slept for nearly 12 hours straight, not even wanting to wake up to eat. I took advantage of him sleeping, and went to the mall to find a second swimsuit for Florida. Swim suit shopping for me right now = depressing (but then again what mom doesn't feel that way when they swim suit shop.) I absolutely HATE it. I finally settled on a black one piece from Old Navy that doesn't look amazing, but will suffice.
Today has been equally busy. After I woke up I did an extreme ab workout while Liam played with Daddy and Uncle Logie. After my workout I felt terrible so Liam and I napped. Then we all took showers and got dressed, and went outside to play with Liam's bubble mower. Shortly after that Aunt Kris, Uncle G, and Gma showed up and I started making supper. We had nothing patriotic( which is so unlike me), but we had to keep the calories down. We had cheese stuffed baked chicken breast, with broccoli, strawberries, pineapple, and cheese bread. Once we were done eating we loaded up the cars, and headed to our third annual Fourth of July celebration at Ft. Campbell. They have the absolute BEST firework shows that I have ever seen in my life. (  Even beating when I saw them on the Ocean.) The show lasted around 21 minutes this year, and had a ground shaking (literally) finale. It was a great time. This year they also had a cannon shot for all fifty states, and four paratroopers fly in.
I am so happy that we had happy, healthy family to spend this special day with. It also was so exciting to see Liam waving around his flag, and glow sticks, and see his face of pure aw when the fireworks started. He is one special baby. I can't wait to teach him the actual meanings behind this day. Happy Independence Day everybody.
Mommy On,

Liam's Mommy

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