Monday, June 11, 2012

Presents For Baby!

Today has been so exhausting. When we woke up Liam and me played like usual. Once he went down for his morning nap I FINALLY finished the tool belt that I started working on for him weeks ago. I found a blog called 2littlehooligans and it has inspired me so much in the sewing area. I am pretty proud of this little belt. It is the first really big project I have done without help from an experienced sewer. Here is a link to the tutorial on how to make it: I think it is so cute and cannot wait to give it to Liam on his birthday next Tuesday!
The rest of the day has pretty much been spent working out, doing homework, and going to class. I did get to borrow two books for Liam from the school library about daddies though and they were so cute. One was actually named Daddies and it was written in the 60's. It talked about 5 cent ice cream cones and how if you are not good then daddies have to spank you. Boy have times changed. Now days if a parent chooses to spank their child they are looked at like an abuser and that is pretty sad if you ask me. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't spank your child, but it should be the parents choice. So long as your not leaving bruises then there is nothing wrong with spanking if you ask me. Hopefully I never have to spank Liam, but I will if he needs it.
I also got to make some food place cards for Liam's party while he dumped all my buttons out all over my scrap rooms floor (gotta love him). Well I NEED to get to bed, because I'm exhausted.
Mommy On,
Liam's Mommy

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