It has been a super busy weekend. Liam's first birthday party went really good and I couldn't be happier with how everything turned out. IT was blazing hot, but luckily we had a good steady breeze going, so it was tolerable. I started having a mini breakdown when several of the kids we inviteds parents started texting and calling to say that they weren't gonna make it, but are three cousins who I knew were coming made it, and then two families I wasn't quite sure about if they were coming or not made it so we had six kids at least !!!!!! The decorations and cake were adorable, and the dino tails were a HUGE hit. Kuddos to Pam Comer for sewing them all up for me! We did forget to do the craft at the party, but oh well. Liam got a TON of HUGE (like were am I gonna put these things lol ) presents. HE loved everything too! He also, LOVED his cake I made him. He was literally like inhaling it, and resulted in a bath in a five gallon bucket to clean up. HAHAHA. By the time we made it home Liam was OUT. After the party we just chilled watching a movie with my parents and Uncle Logie. By the way huge props to Uncle G who took off work at one to come to the party,( that's not an easy thing for a farmer to do during the summer), and to Auntie Ocho for taking lots of what I'm sure are fabulous pictures, and Uncle Logie for driving two hours to the party.

Today was Ben's second father's day. Last year Liam was born on father's day so I will NEVER be able to top his first father's day gift. Liam did get him a pretty sweet basket full of zombie targets, and zombie bullets, and color targets, and jerky, and a shotgun lighter, and an exploding target, and a smash book comic/adventures book! We got to go to lunch with Aunt Kris at Texas Roadhouse, and then go have a visit with Gee Gee and Papa G too! I love that couple so much! Happy father's day to all the dad's out there. A huge happy father's day to my little brother who hasn't seen his baby boy in seven months, but still loves him to pieces and was a better dad in that four months to Aiden then some guys are in a lifetime. Happy Birthday to my sweet nephew tomorrow. I know I haven't saw you in FOREVER and won't for a long time more, but I will always love you.
Mommy On,
Liam's Mommy
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