Before I start telling you about today I have a small not about yesterday. Liam can play hide-and-go- seek with a stuffed animal!!!! I was so shocked. I hid an animal that plays music in noticeable spots at first, and progressed to harder spots like behind a door and in a box and he found that animal every time... even hours after we first started he still remembered. I am a proud momma. I'll put pictures of him finding it below.
I am ready to just be completely up to par again. I have been much better today and even drove, but still not my normal self yet. I have an appointment tomorrow to see why my jaw still has this like knot on it. On a slightly better note I actually drove today!!!!!!!! I must admit I was a little... well terrified, but I did ok. I was not prepared for my test, because it has been just to hard to study since I haven't been feeling good, but I managed to get a B.... one question away from an A, but oh well I will definitely take a B when I thought I would make like a D. I have a paper to start writing tomorrow, but will definitely have to make some Liam time, and then I will have the whole weekend to spend with my little guy, school, and homework, and hopefully pain free.
When I got back from school tonight Ben decided that even though our anniversary is Tuesday, he couldn't wait and we HAD to open our presents tonight... he always does this, and usually I say no, but I just didn't have the energy to say NO tonight. He got me a purse that I LOVE and some cash to spend on whatever I want, and I got him yet another hand gun. (YES, we have guns in my house, and they are not left around loaded or anywhere where Liam can get to them and if you have a problem with that your just gonna have to get over it... I felt the need to state that because I have had a few people say something about Ben being a gun carrier and he has the right to carry it and it is rude to get in his business about it.)
Moving on, I am FURIOUS right now. I was reading one of my monthly magazines I get and in the editors note it nonchalantly it says," p.s this is the last issue of Scrapbooks etc. Thank you for your support over the past 13 years. We wish you well in your crafting and scrapbooking adventures." I was like WHAT, there was no warning no nothing just a p.s. in the editors note, which I usually don't even read. AHHHHH. I am so upset about this. I just need to go to bed and wake up in a good mood and do something fun with my little Liam.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Getting Back On My Feet
Hello World. I would like to start today by saying I still cannot believe that I got Ben to actually write a blog last night. He grumbled about it a lot, but he finally agreed! Now moving on I will express my need to not be in pain anymore. Today I didn't take any pain meds, because Ben had to work and I had to take care of Liam, and there is no way I could do that if I was dizzy. That being said most of my morning was spent in discomfort and slight pain. I managed to make it through though and then took some light pain medicine once Ben got home. Today has been much better than the past few days.
Liam and me read some books, and played with his new cars and track from his Gee Gee and Gpa. We also took a long stroll around the house in his Lightning McQueen car. We took things easy for my first day back on my feet. I cannot wait to be fully recovered though and get outside to enjoy all these riding and walking toys he got for his birthday though. Once Ben got home I managed to clean Liam's room and do some laundry and sweep and mop the floors. I also got started on thank you cards for everyone who made it to Liam's party. Liam had lots of fun in the bath while I cleaned. (Don't worry his daddy was in the bathroom with him :) ) I also had a semi normal meal of pancakes and a cinnamon roll for dinner tonight yay.
Other than taking it easy today out of the blue I had a bad case of baby fever. I cannot have another baby right now so I decided to just succumb the fever by looking up potential baby names for when we do decide to have another baby. See I want to have three babies, but Ben isn't certain about having more than two. Although I want to have more kids, I have to loose at least 30 more pounds before it's even an option. Also, I have to admit I am a little scared. I was SO sick with Liam and I never want to have to go through that again. I felt terrible and I literally like lost friends during the time I was sick. Guess that proves they weren't good friends, but still it wasn't a good feeling. I'm hoping that since the second time around I will not be over weight that in itself will make things easier. I'm ok with typical morning sickness, but that is not what I had with Liam. I had sleeping in the bathroom, not leaving the house for 55 days straight, medicine to keep down food, getting threatened every other day to get admitted into the hospital pregnancy and it was not fun. Prayer and a healthier body will have to get me through the second time.
Here's a few pictures of some scrapbook pages I've got done during Liam's nap time in the past few day's!
Mommy on,
Liam's Mommy
Liam and me read some books, and played with his new cars and track from his Gee Gee and Gpa. We also took a long stroll around the house in his Lightning McQueen car. We took things easy for my first day back on my feet. I cannot wait to be fully recovered though and get outside to enjoy all these riding and walking toys he got for his birthday though. Once Ben got home I managed to clean Liam's room and do some laundry and sweep and mop the floors. I also got started on thank you cards for everyone who made it to Liam's party. Liam had lots of fun in the bath while I cleaned. (Don't worry his daddy was in the bathroom with him :) ) I also had a semi normal meal of pancakes and a cinnamon roll for dinner tonight yay.
Other than taking it easy today out of the blue I had a bad case of baby fever. I cannot have another baby right now so I decided to just succumb the fever by looking up potential baby names for when we do decide to have another baby. See I want to have three babies, but Ben isn't certain about having more than two. Although I want to have more kids, I have to loose at least 30 more pounds before it's even an option. Also, I have to admit I am a little scared. I was SO sick with Liam and I never want to have to go through that again. I felt terrible and I literally like lost friends during the time I was sick. Guess that proves they weren't good friends, but still it wasn't a good feeling. I'm hoping that since the second time around I will not be over weight that in itself will make things easier. I'm ok with typical morning sickness, but that is not what I had with Liam. I had sleeping in the bathroom, not leaving the house for 55 days straight, medicine to keep down food, getting threatened every other day to get admitted into the hospital pregnancy and it was not fun. Prayer and a healthier body will have to get me through the second time.
Here's a few pictures of some scrapbook pages I've got done during Liam's nap time in the past few day's!
Mommy on,
Liam's Mommy
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Special Blog: Written By Liam's Daddy!
Change up this time, I've been conned into writing a blog. Tiffany isn't feeling well after getting her wisdom teeth removed, and didn't feel well enough to type. My little man and I hung out at Opry Mills Mall in Nashville today to give her some quiet to sleep. I'd like to start our tale by telling you I think blogs are stupid, but I'm writing one to make my wife happy, because I love her. This was to be a family trip but Tiffany didn't even make it a mile down the road to get gas before we had to turn around. The pain medication she was taking made her dizzy. After returning and tucking her in and Liam hugging mommy to make her all better, we loaded back up and hit the road for a day of fun and bonding. We of course parked at Bass Pro because that's the best store there. We made a quick circuit of Bass Pro to soak in the manly awesomeness then went to get the rest of the mall out of the way. We had to go back outside to get into the mall. The door is boarded up between Bass Pro and the mall. According to employees the mall was mad that Bass Pro opened before they did so they refused to let the door be reopened after the flood. We had a good time shopping and got Liam Mickey Mouse figures play set from the Disney Store. I held up three different figure sets , a mickey, a lion king and a cars and he chose Mickey, so of course that's the one I got him. Then we had to go back through stores we'd been in looking for his hat he threw down. And he kicked his shoes off a half dozen times. I gave him apple juice in a sippy cup and he some how managed to drench himself with it. So he had to sit in his stroller in a diaper in the bathroom while I washed his clothes in the sink and dried them with the hand dryers. He thought it was great being naked in public. He flirted with every little girl we passed. We made it through all the pointless stores and then went back to Bass Pro. Cute Lil Liam got to really see what a store is supposed to be like. We saw the big fish in the aquarium and all the mounted animals. He got fussy sitting in the seat of the cart so he got in the basket of the buggy and was in heaven playing with all the stuff in the cart. He was playing peek-a-boo with a camo shirt. After a long day we're finally home and ready to crash. We can play with our toys tomorrow.
Mommy on (I guess),
Liam's Daddy
Mommy on (I guess),
Liam's Daddy
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Long Day
Today has felt like it has last forever. I woke fairly early this morning and got a good shower before heading to the Clarksville Flea Market. I felt completely fine, but once I got there and walked around for a few minutes I really started regretting not taking any medicine before we left. Low and behold we had a very short trip and I was home in less than probably thirty minutes. When we got home Little Liam and me laid in bed and watched some Pooh episodes. It got me to thinking about how terrible kids tv is now days. Think about it... all the good down to earth shows were out when our parents were little, things like Pooh, Looney Toons, Tom and Jerry, Mickey Mouse... and there still the shows we watched as kids too. Years later were now showing those shows to our kids, but they are night and day difference from the shows on morning tv. I may seem strict, but there are shows like Spongbob that I don't want Liam to watch, because I don't like the constant message of it's ok to rip your pants and show your butt to everyone, but there are also shows like the wiggles and ki hi ni-ho (whatever that Japanese show is ) that I won't let him watch for the simple fact that they are stupid and creepy and have no value to them what so ever. I like that kids shows now days are geared toward education, but maybe the morals and values taught in the old shows is what kids really need. The world our children are going to live in is scary. Ok end of scary look into reality.
The rest of my day has been spent eating mushy food (which I'm getting very sick of) and studying. It is very hard to study while you are dizzy, but I have somewhat managed to do some light studying. I also got a call from my mom and my lil bro and they made my day seem a lot better. Hopefully tomorrow I can take back my motherly duties from Ben and get some quality time with my little guy. I did however manage to read "The Lorax" to him earlier though. I think I will end my night with a strawberry banana smoothie made by the one and only Ben Comer and my Kindle!
Mommy On,
Liam's Mommy
(No pics today sorry)
The rest of my day has been spent eating mushy food (which I'm getting very sick of) and studying. It is very hard to study while you are dizzy, but I have somewhat managed to do some light studying. I also got a call from my mom and my lil bro and they made my day seem a lot better. Hopefully tomorrow I can take back my motherly duties from Ben and get some quality time with my little guy. I did however manage to read "The Lorax" to him earlier though. I think I will end my night with a strawberry banana smoothie made by the one and only Ben Comer and my Kindle!
Mommy On,
Liam's Mommy
(No pics today sorry)
Friday, June 22, 2012
Liam's Officially One and Mommy's Wisdom Teeth Are Out
Well I missed a few days, but hey I'm not perfect and will never claim to be. Since I last posted Liam officially turned one and had a party at a park at Ft. Campbell with our Clarksville friends. It was a cute party and everyone who was invited got to show up. The weather was pretty much perfect and I think all the kids had a blast. Liam got a lot of great stuff. Thank you so much to everyone who came! One of the best parts was that we forgot a spatula so Ben made a make shift one out of three forks. HAHA. It was quite the sight if you ask me.
I cried a few times, but Liam had a great day. My favorite part was when Ben and me woke up at 4:27 ( the time Liam was born) and video recorded ourselves signing happy birthday to him. It was really special and we want to make it a tradition. Another special part of the day was that we decided to get Liam a book and write a birthday inscription in it every year instead of doing a card. Also, I am going to make Liam a paper candle every year for his cake! Lots of traditions and I really hope we keep them up.
Thursday I got my wisdom teeth out. It hasn't been terrible. The worst part is that the narcotics make me really dizzy so I don't feel in control of my body and I really miss my little guy. He literally cried for me to hold him yesterday, but as soon as I did he hit me in the face with his elbow on accident.... can you say OWWWWWWWYYYY. Today has been a little better though. Still no pain or swelling, just sore and missing playing with my little man. I am so thankful for a loving husband who can step in when I'm under the weather.
Today was Liam's twelve month check up and I wasn't feeling up to going, so note of questions in hand, Ben had to take him on his own. I was really upset about not going with them, but everything went good, and Ben actually remembered to ask the doctor all the questions I sent with him. Oh and speaking of traditions, since Liam's second doctors appointment we give him a book when we are there or when we get home for being such a good boy. This time it was Dr. Seuss' " The Lorax." I was really excited about this one. After Liam's appointment him and Ben went to lunch and then we watched movies together all day. Now I have to be better tomorrow so I can study for my Geology test on Monday. Pray for me, because studying while dizzy is not going to be easy.
Mommy on,
Liam's Mommy
I cried a few times, but Liam had a great day. My favorite part was when Ben and me woke up at 4:27 ( the time Liam was born) and video recorded ourselves signing happy birthday to him. It was really special and we want to make it a tradition. Another special part of the day was that we decided to get Liam a book and write a birthday inscription in it every year instead of doing a card. Also, I am going to make Liam a paper candle every year for his cake! Lots of traditions and I really hope we keep them up.
Thursday I got my wisdom teeth out. It hasn't been terrible. The worst part is that the narcotics make me really dizzy so I don't feel in control of my body and I really miss my little guy. He literally cried for me to hold him yesterday, but as soon as I did he hit me in the face with his elbow on accident.... can you say OWWWWWWWYYYY. Today has been a little better though. Still no pain or swelling, just sore and missing playing with my little man. I am so thankful for a loving husband who can step in when I'm under the weather.
Today was Liam's twelve month check up and I wasn't feeling up to going, so note of questions in hand, Ben had to take him on his own. I was really upset about not going with them, but everything went good, and Ben actually remembered to ask the doctor all the questions I sent with him. Oh and speaking of traditions, since Liam's second doctors appointment we give him a book when we are there or when we get home for being such a good boy. This time it was Dr. Seuss' " The Lorax." I was really excited about this one. After Liam's appointment him and Ben went to lunch and then we watched movies together all day. Now I have to be better tomorrow so I can study for my Geology test on Monday. Pray for me, because studying while dizzy is not going to be easy.
Mommy on,
Liam's Mommy
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Liam's First Birthday Party and Father's Day!
It has been a super busy weekend. Liam's first birthday party went really good and I couldn't be happier with how everything turned out. IT was blazing hot, but luckily we had a good steady breeze going, so it was tolerable. I started having a mini breakdown when several of the kids we inviteds parents started texting and calling to say that they weren't gonna make it, but are three cousins who I knew were coming made it, and then two families I wasn't quite sure about if they were coming or not made it so we had six kids at least !!!!!! The decorations and cake were adorable, and the dino tails were a HUGE hit. Kuddos to Pam Comer for sewing them all up for me! We did forget to do the craft at the party, but oh well. Liam got a TON of HUGE (like were am I gonna put these things lol ) presents. HE loved everything too! He also, LOVED his cake I made him. He was literally like inhaling it, and resulted in a bath in a five gallon bucket to clean up. HAHAHA. By the time we made it home Liam was OUT. After the party we just chilled watching a movie with my parents and Uncle Logie. By the way huge props to Uncle G who took off work at one to come to the party,( that's not an easy thing for a farmer to do during the summer), and to Auntie Ocho for taking lots of what I'm sure are fabulous pictures, and Uncle Logie for driving two hours to the party.
Today was Ben's second father's day. Last year Liam was born on father's day so I will NEVER be able to top his first father's day gift. Liam did get him a pretty sweet basket full of zombie targets, and zombie bullets, and color targets, and jerky, and a shotgun lighter, and an exploding target, and a smash book comic/adventures book! We got to go to lunch with Aunt Kris at Texas Roadhouse, and then go have a visit with Gee Gee and Papa G too! I love that couple so much! Happy father's day to all the dad's out there. A huge happy father's day to my little brother who hasn't seen his baby boy in seven months, but still loves him to pieces and was a better dad in that four months to Aiden then some guys are in a lifetime. Happy Birthday to my sweet nephew tomorrow. I know I haven't saw you in FOREVER and won't for a long time more, but I will always love you.
Mommy On,
Liam's Mommy
Today was Ben's second father's day. Last year Liam was born on father's day so I will NEVER be able to top his first father's day gift. Liam did get him a pretty sweet basket full of zombie targets, and zombie bullets, and color targets, and jerky, and a shotgun lighter, and an exploding target, and a smash book comic/adventures book! We got to go to lunch with Aunt Kris at Texas Roadhouse, and then go have a visit with Gee Gee and Papa G too! I love that couple so much! Happy father's day to all the dad's out there. A huge happy father's day to my little brother who hasn't seen his baby boy in seven months, but still loves him to pieces and was a better dad in that four months to Aiden then some guys are in a lifetime. Happy Birthday to my sweet nephew tomorrow. I know I haven't saw you in FOREVER and won't for a long time more, but I will always love you.
Mommy On,
Liam's Mommy
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Water Park Fun

After our nap I have been cleaning the house and working on Liam's Father's Day present to Ben. This present has turned into a ton of work, but I think it will totally be worth it. After Liam goes to sleep tonight I'm going to try to work on his Birthday present, and make some father's day cards for the grandpa's. Oh yeah and I kind of need to do my homework for the week. (bleck) Today is a short blog, because I just have to much to do to keep typing.
Mommy On,
Liam's Mommy
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Today has been a pretty good day, but Liam has challenged Ben and me as parents. He kept trying to climb the direct tv box and we continually had to make him stop, and he just kept doing it. He also has decided to throw random fits when he's getting a diaper change or new clothes on, or out of the bath and like cringes and holds his breath. (apparently I used to do something like this when I was little too :/) Needless to say we still love him to pieces, but we started to feel lousy for constantly telling Liam, "no, no," and yelling to quite, and smacking his hand.
Ben has been doing a bike refinish, so to make sure he could work in peace Liam and me went to hobby Lobby and the mall for a big part of the day. We got pretty much everything that we were lacking besides food for Liam's party, and I was able to find a really cute dress to wear to his party. I did however get into a little bit of trouble for spending $30 almost on jelly beans. Ben knew I was getting them for the party and liked the idea, he just wishes when they told me the price I would've said, "never mind, no thank you." I didn't though so oh well.... these kids better love these jellybeans lol.
The night has been spent making a family Walmart trip and cutting out pieces of fabric for a last minute present for Liam. I also painted an '"L" orange. When we were at Walmart, I stumbled upon a magazine that is my new favorite of all time. I'm gonna be a little selfish and not release the name though, because with Pinterest, any house idea I have had lately has got done by a family member or close friend and I want a few things different than everyone I know. Understandable right? Plus it was $10 and you don't want to spend that do you? lol
Another challenge I faced today was the great car seat debalicle. Liam will be one in seven days. Well according to his car seats standards, he meets all of them to be able to forward face. However, doctors now recommend that children rear face until they are two. I want Liam to be as safe as possible at all times so I like this rear facing idea. The problem is, every time we get in the car lately has been a struggle, so Ben practically begged me tonight to put it forward facing. I said that we could try it out, but I am still not to sure about it.
A few random notes before I go. After Liam got put down to sleep I went into our room and Ben had a dozen duck decoys blew up on our bed. It was quite the surprising sight. Also, Ben went outside at one point tonight and freaked out, because someone was just standing in our yard... then he realized it was the Realtor putting picture fliers on our For SALE sign. Bahahahaha.
Mommy on,
Liam's Mommy
Ben has been doing a bike refinish, so to make sure he could work in peace Liam and me went to hobby Lobby and the mall for a big part of the day. We got pretty much everything that we were lacking besides food for Liam's party, and I was able to find a really cute dress to wear to his party. I did however get into a little bit of trouble for spending $30 almost on jelly beans. Ben knew I was getting them for the party and liked the idea, he just wishes when they told me the price I would've said, "never mind, no thank you." I didn't though so oh well.... these kids better love these jellybeans lol.
The night has been spent making a family Walmart trip and cutting out pieces of fabric for a last minute present for Liam. I also painted an '"L" orange. When we were at Walmart, I stumbled upon a magazine that is my new favorite of all time. I'm gonna be a little selfish and not release the name though, because with Pinterest, any house idea I have had lately has got done by a family member or close friend and I want a few things different than everyone I know. Understandable right? Plus it was $10 and you don't want to spend that do you? lol
Another challenge I faced today was the great car seat debalicle. Liam will be one in seven days. Well according to his car seats standards, he meets all of them to be able to forward face. However, doctors now recommend that children rear face until they are two. I want Liam to be as safe as possible at all times so I like this rear facing idea. The problem is, every time we get in the car lately has been a struggle, so Ben practically begged me tonight to put it forward facing. I said that we could try it out, but I am still not to sure about it.
Liam's Mommy
Monday, June 11, 2012
Presents For Baby!
Today has been so exhausting. When we woke up Liam and me played like usual. Once he went down for his morning nap I FINALLY finished the tool belt that I started working on for him weeks ago. I found a blog called 2littlehooligans and it has inspired me so much in the sewing area. I am pretty proud of this little belt. It is the first really big project I have done without help from an experienced sewer. Here is a link to the tutorial on how to make it: I think it is so cute and cannot wait to give it to Liam on his birthday next Tuesday!
The rest of the day has pretty much been spent working out, doing homework, and going to class. I did get to borrow two books for Liam from the school library about daddies though and they were so cute. One was actually named Daddies and it was written in the 60's. It talked about 5 cent ice cream cones and how if you are not good then daddies have to spank you. Boy have times changed. Now days if a parent chooses to spank their child they are looked at like an abuser and that is pretty sad if you ask me. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't spank your child, but it should be the parents choice. So long as your not leaving bruises then there is nothing wrong with spanking if you ask me. Hopefully I never have to spank Liam, but I will if he needs it.
I also got to make some food place cards for Liam's party while he dumped all my buttons out all over my scrap rooms floor (gotta love him). Well I NEED to get to bed, because I'm exhausted.
Mommy On,
Liam's Mommy
The rest of the day has pretty much been spent working out, doing homework, and going to class. I did get to borrow two books for Liam from the school library about daddies though and they were so cute. One was actually named Daddies and it was written in the 60's. It talked about 5 cent ice cream cones and how if you are not good then daddies have to spank you. Boy have times changed. Now days if a parent chooses to spank their child they are looked at like an abuser and that is pretty sad if you ask me. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't spank your child, but it should be the parents choice. So long as your not leaving bruises then there is nothing wrong with spanking if you ask me. Hopefully I never have to spank Liam, but I will if he needs it.
I also got to make some food place cards for Liam's party while he dumped all my buttons out all over my scrap rooms floor (gotta love him). Well I NEED to get to bed, because I'm exhausted.
Mommy On,
Liam's Mommy
Sunday, June 10, 2012
One Year Birthday Pictures
Today has been a pretty great day. The morning started off a little rocky, because from the time we woke up it looked like rain, and I did not want to have to reschedule Liam's first birthday photo shoot. We constantly watched the radar and once Ben finally convinced me it wasn't gonna rain until around four I started getting stuff done.
I've been looking for a white fitted t-shirt everywhere, and although so simple... it has not been an easy task. I decided today to cut the long sleeves off of my favorite winter white shirt and sew up some short sleeves. It actually turned out great and I was able to wear it to the photo shoot.
We met Darci around 12:30 behind quite an exotic location. Everything seemed to go really good and as always I cannot wait to see the finished pictures. The cake smash part was hilarious. Liam just wanted to smash the icing and literally inhale the icing off the cupcake. He wanted nothing to do with actually holding the cupcakes (haha). The only bad thing is after all the work we put out into making the one prop, we FORGOT to use it. AHHHHH. Oh well though, it's to late now. I have plans to take some pics with it at home though this weekend.
Once we got home Liam napped and I started a few scrapbook pages. I also got to start on Ben's Father's Day present from Liam today, and after starting I really wish I would have started a few weeks ago. At least I know what I want to do... I just have to get it done by Sunday. What would my life be without a ton to do in a small amount of time though. The gift is turning out GREAT though.
The end of the evening was spent watching Home on the Range with my little guy and studying for my Geology test tomorrow. Bleck. I have struggled so much studying for this test, because I HATE any form of science SOOOOOOO much. Sorry today was pretty uneventful.
Mommy on,
Liam's Mommy
I've been looking for a white fitted t-shirt everywhere, and although so simple... it has not been an easy task. I decided today to cut the long sleeves off of my favorite winter white shirt and sew up some short sleeves. It actually turned out great and I was able to wear it to the photo shoot.
We met Darci around 12:30 behind quite an exotic location. Everything seemed to go really good and as always I cannot wait to see the finished pictures. The cake smash part was hilarious. Liam just wanted to smash the icing and literally inhale the icing off the cupcake. He wanted nothing to do with actually holding the cupcakes (haha). The only bad thing is after all the work we put out into making the one prop, we FORGOT to use it. AHHHHH. Oh well though, it's to late now. I have plans to take some pics with it at home though this weekend.
Once we got home Liam napped and I started a few scrapbook pages. I also got to start on Ben's Father's Day present from Liam today, and after starting I really wish I would have started a few weeks ago. At least I know what I want to do... I just have to get it done by Sunday. What would my life be without a ton to do in a small amount of time though. The gift is turning out GREAT though.
The end of the evening was spent watching Home on the Range with my little guy and studying for my Geology test tomorrow. Bleck. I have struggled so much studying for this test, because I HATE any form of science SOOOOOOO much. Sorry today was pretty uneventful.
Mommy on,
Liam's Mommy
Saturday, June 9, 2012
"The Adventures of Captain Cheeks"
This has been a good weekend. My amazing husband surprised me with a friend date with my friend Darci and we had a blast. He picked the movie and time and called her to set it up and everything. He is pretty awesome most of the time. It has been a LONG time since I just went out with a friend to do something and I needed it BAD. Before my friend date I finally got to have a superhero photo shoot with Liam; or should I say Captain Cheeks. It is something I have been wanting to do for a long time, and I had a lot of fun doing it. Photography has always been something I've enjoyed, not anything I would want as my permanent career, but I love taking pictures of kids and want to get better at taking pictures of Liam myself. I also like editing them, and have been getting a lot better at it. I think that sometimes only a mom knows how to truly capture the perfect images of her kids.
Take our photographer Darci for example... she takes amazing pictures (duh have you seen liam's every three month pictures lol), but when she takes pictures of her kids she captures their personalities perfect and the pictures are nothing like what she takes of her clients.... I want to be able to do this!
Anyway, enough about taking pictures. Liam got his THIRD haircut today. There is no way I could've waited until his first birthday for his first cut, because all three times he has went to get it cut it has been starting or already like literally going down his back, and long enough for pigtails or a short pony..... not cool for a baby boy if you ask me. He looks so hansom with his new cut and was way better this time then the previous two times...he even got a sucker!
Tonight Ben and me have been making his flag short in an effort to save $40 and they turned out GREAT, and Ben cut and we painted a "1" prop for his pictures tomorrow. In the morning we have church and then I am on the hunt for a candle stick holder (long story) and some helium balloons. Also, to find a pretty wildflower field on post (if that even exist). Then it's picture time... weather permitting. The rest of the week will be spent in preparation for his two First birthday parties. Hopefully all the prep time will take my mind off the fact that my little baby Liam is almost one.
Mommy on,
Liam's Mommy
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Super Mom
Hello World. Today has been a very good day in the Comer house. I have been feeling a bit like super mom lately so I decided to sew up a cape and mask for Liam today. His superhero name shall be Captain Cheeks. After I made his cape and we played, we took a wonderful 2.5 hour nap. We got woke up by Ben though who apparently had been ringing the door bell for 15 minutes and was fixing to knock the door down, because he thought something was wrong with us. I guess my dream about getting a check for $99 in the mail to write an article about catfish had me in too deep of a slumber to wake up haha.
Anyway, after our nap Liam and me played some more, and had some pool time. Then I made some brownies for Ben and made dinner for the family and a good friend, and delivered it. Then I had to study .... bleck... while Liam helped his daddy work on his motorcycle. Speaking of motorcycles... Liam should be getting his very first one from his grandpa Geezer very soon!
So long as I can remember the seven pages of notes I studied for tonight I hope to spend the rest of my night scrapping away while Liam is sleeping! Tomorrow I really want to do a superhero photo shoot with Liam, and I need to make a prop and flag shorts for his professional pictures on Sunday. More projects hopefully coming up soon are a bowtie, finishing a tool belt I started forever ago, a trash bag holder, and maybe a stuffed dinosaur. We'll see how much of that list actually gets gone. Here's a picture of Liam's cape and mask I made: (I winged the cape without a pattern and I got the mask pattern from
Anyway, after our nap Liam and me played some more, and had some pool time. Then I made some brownies for Ben and made dinner for the family and a good friend, and delivered it. Then I had to study .... bleck... while Liam helped his daddy work on his motorcycle. Speaking of motorcycles... Liam should be getting his very first one from his grandpa Geezer very soon!
So long as I can remember the seven pages of notes I studied for tonight I hope to spend the rest of my night scrapping away while Liam is sleeping! Tomorrow I really want to do a superhero photo shoot with Liam, and I need to make a prop and flag shorts for his professional pictures on Sunday. More projects hopefully coming up soon are a bowtie, finishing a tool belt I started forever ago, a trash bag holder, and maybe a stuffed dinosaur. We'll see how much of that list actually gets gone. Here's a picture of Liam's cape and mask I made: (I winged the cape without a pattern and I got the mask pattern from
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Well, today has been one of those day's where I have felt guilty about being a mommy. From the time I woke up today I have worked out, printed off papers for school, bought a book for school, did a homework assignment, read some of the longest psychology chapters ever, went to class,and started on a study guide. I have done school work ALL day. Because I was doing school work, I was not with Liam, which makes me really sad, but I know completing school, as long as it may take, will better his future so that makes it a little easier. Ben was home from work today though so Liam and him got to spend a lot of quality time together.
The biggest thing we are working on with him right now is standing and walking without our help. We are also reading lots of new books. I printed of a list of the top 100 books for babies and toddlers and we have been making our way down it. This has been a super fun project. My favorite part about it is when we come across a book on the list that was a childhood favorite of mine or Ben's. It is amazing to be able to share precious moments from out childhood with Liam. He doesn't always want to sit still, but it is still fun, and he is still learning and developing a since of family time in the home. You should all try it! Here's a link to the website I printed out list off of:
Stellaluna: A book I vividly remember my mom reading to John, Kristin,and me when we were little, and now she's reading it to Little Liam. I love this memory! I'm gonna get back to this study guide now since Liam is sleeping.
Mommy On,
Liam's Mommy
The biggest thing we are working on with him right now is standing and walking without our help. We are also reading lots of new books. I printed of a list of the top 100 books for babies and toddlers and we have been making our way down it. This has been a super fun project. My favorite part about it is when we come across a book on the list that was a childhood favorite of mine or Ben's. It is amazing to be able to share precious moments from out childhood with Liam. He doesn't always want to sit still, but it is still fun, and he is still learning and developing a since of family time in the home. You should all try it! Here's a link to the website I printed out list off of:
Stellaluna: A book I vividly remember my mom reading to John, Kristin,and me when we were little, and now she's reading it to Little Liam. I love this memory! I'm gonna get back to this study guide now since Liam is sleeping.
Mommy On,
Liam's Mommy
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Long Time, No Post
Well one of my new years resolutions was to write this blog, and to keep up with it. Six months into the year and I realize that I have done a terrible job at that. School and Liam consume my life, but I know that even though it's six months into the year, and even if no one ever reads this, I will be mad at my self if I just give up.That being said I WILL keep this blog up.
By the way my friend Darci, who is the one who first introduced me to blogging, was a big inspiration, because she too is starting back up a forgotten blog. Since I last blogged a LOT has happened. I have fulfilled one of my life long dreams, and successfully wrote for the school newspaper for a semester, having two front page stories, and all stories featured on the front page. Liam is almost a year to old, and is so perfect. He can clap, and stand up with support, walk with support, high five, wave bye-bye, say mum, dada, bubba, hi, and good. He loves John Deere tractors and snacks. He has made a best friends... his name is Jack, and we attend a weekly playgroup together. Oh and I can't forget that Liam and I are famous. You see Darci's kids, Cael and Averi, play Tiffany and Liam several times a week, therefore we are famous. : )
We have a lot of summer plans. First up are Liam's one year birthday pictures by non other than Darci Ann Photography. Then there will be Liam's two First Birthday parties. Followed by my wisdom teeth being taken out, and a family vacation to FLORIDA. All while we are trying to sell our house, which just went on the market yesterday, and I am taking two summer classes. HUH. I'm tired just typing this. I do love my life though and wouldn't trade it for anything.
Ben and I are finally starting to get the hang of managing his work, my school, family time, and still giving each other a little time to ourselves each week. Liam is at such a fun age and we are just reveling in his cuteness. Well I won't bore you any longer.
Mommy On,
Liam's Mommy
Here's some Liam memories I created today:
By the way my friend Darci, who is the one who first introduced me to blogging, was a big inspiration, because she too is starting back up a forgotten blog. Since I last blogged a LOT has happened. I have fulfilled one of my life long dreams, and successfully wrote for the school newspaper for a semester, having two front page stories, and all stories featured on the front page. Liam is almost a year to old, and is so perfect. He can clap, and stand up with support, walk with support, high five, wave bye-bye, say mum, dada, bubba, hi, and good. He loves John Deere tractors and snacks. He has made a best friends... his name is Jack, and we attend a weekly playgroup together. Oh and I can't forget that Liam and I are famous. You see Darci's kids, Cael and Averi, play Tiffany and Liam several times a week, therefore we are famous. : )
We have a lot of summer plans. First up are Liam's one year birthday pictures by non other than Darci Ann Photography. Then there will be Liam's two First Birthday parties. Followed by my wisdom teeth being taken out, and a family vacation to FLORIDA. All while we are trying to sell our house, which just went on the market yesterday, and I am taking two summer classes. HUH. I'm tired just typing this. I do love my life though and wouldn't trade it for anything.
Ben and I are finally starting to get the hang of managing his work, my school, family time, and still giving each other a little time to ourselves each week. Liam is at such a fun age and we are just reveling in his cuteness. Well I won't bore you any longer.
Mommy On,
Liam's Mommy
Here's some Liam memories I created today:
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