Saturday, September 17, 2011

"A Mommy in School"

Being a mommy in school is no easy task. Whether your in high school or college, finding time to study and do homework in between taking care of your baby or kids is at times a nearly impossible task. I knew it was not going to be easy, but I did not realize just how challenging it would be either. I'm doing well so far, but I have not taken any test yet, and they will be the true test of whether or not this whole in college with a baby thing is going to work out or not.
I have found that with a baby, you don't always get that much sleep (big surprise right lol) and when or if your baby naps instead of catching up on sleep like I so desperately want to do, I find myself having to clean or do homework or study. Getting my degree isn't going to be easy, but I will accomplish my goal and create a better life for Liam, Ben, and me.
Another challenge of being a mommy in college is that I know that I have to succeed or life will take a great spiral downward. If I take more then 6 months off school then I have to start paying back my student loans, which would mean that I would have to get a job, and in today's world, you pay more for daycare then you make at your job. This is my personal blog so I'm gonna go here..... It kills me that women who do the right thing and get married and have a baby with their husband have to pay their own way through school, but teens who get pregnant on accident get school and daycare and an apartment for that matter handed to them on a silver platter. I understand this is part of life, but fair it is not. Now don't get me wrong if the mom is working a full time job to support her kids and is getting help from the government I commend them for not being a bum and still supporting their family while trying to achieve their goals, but the one's who set at home and live for free when they have no excuse to not be working sickens me. I don't hold grudges towards these people, but I wish someone would give them a good slap in the face of life and how you should do things.
Hope everyone has a great day. If your in college or high school and you have a baby I wish you the best of luck in completing your goals. Love your baby first, but study every second in between lol.

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